



《神厨小福贵》演绎了一部神奇而温馨的成长故事,其中对中国文化主要精髓之一的饮食文化更是有系统而趣味十足的介绍。全系列Little Princess可爱小公主动画片超清100集中英字幕+绘本+音频






PART1  剧情简介

The story happens at the end of the Qing Dynasty during the Siege of the International Legations. Xiao Fugui’s grandpa is the chef employed by the Empress Dowager Cixi. But he is later accidentally involved into a political conspiracy and then deliberately mistaken for the criminal attempting to kill Cixi. Therefore, he is arrested and sentenced to death.


Xiao Fugui firmly believes in his grandpa’s innocence. In order to find out the truth, he is determined to work hard on his cooking skills and attain the eighteen golden kitchenware items to save his grandpa. However, Xiao Fugui later catches the eye of Mr. K, who is secretly planning a rebel campaign against the Guangxu Emperor. He decides to kill Xiao Fugui because the existence of the latter has prevented his plan.


In the process, Xiao Fugui has also met with other characters including Xiao Feidie, who is always trying to kill Cixi to avenge for her dead parents; Xiao Lizi, who has done every bad thing you can possibly imagine just to seek a chance of reunion with his parents; Douyacai, who is actually Guangxu Emperor, a well-intended emperor who tries to salvage his kingdom yet to have been in possession of no real political power. However, this cartoon has a tragic ending. Dreams and ideals can’t be realized. E veryone ends up alone, be it the powerful Empress Dowager or Xiao Fugui who is no longer naive.


PART2  作品分析


Based on the historical background, accord with the actual needs, and made by the excellent animation production in that year, Magic Boy Kitchener makes the whole story easy to understand and memorable for children, and even more meaningful when they grow up and review.


In addition to the characters like Empress Dowager Cixi and Guangxu Emperor, who can be obviously found in history, there are many other historical figures in the cartoon as well. Many people consider Lord K as Yuan Shikai, and others think that he symbolizes the feudal and conservative ministers.


In terms of the ending, this cartoon is one of the few that ends with tragedy. It does not drift with the current and meet market needs to make a happy ending, but respects history, implying the decay of the Qing Dynasty and the suffering of people, which enhances the value of the cartoon.



The characters all have a lively and full personage, and no matter the positive or negative characters, they all have distinct personalities.


The protagonist, Xiao Fugui is a young aspiring chef with huge sense of justice. His motivation has been always very clear, which his purpose of pursuing eighteen golden kitchenware items is to save his Grandpa, instead of gaining the status and fame it symbolizes. To reach this aim, he trains his own cooking skills, goes through the excruciation and fights against the powerful minister. Such an indomitable fighter is he, who has been caught in danger for many times, but never gives up his dream.

At the same time, Xiao Fugui does not lose the innocence of a child. He believes that the world is beautiful and is always willing to trust his friends, though he is injured because of them. Even if he finally realizes that “only in the earthly world can we find the sincerity”, he still smiles. In the end, he gives up the fame and status, leaves the palace only with his horse and wanders all over the world.


Xiao Lizi is a simple but complex villain. The catch phrase “it’s too painful” is his label. The repetition of this sentence shows his inner helplessness and despair. At the beginning, people may think that he is vile and selfish. On one hand, he makes friends with Xiao Fugui, while on the other hand, he constantly frames up him. But in the end, what arouses the audience’s sympathy is that he cries “I could have been a good man”.

Xiao Lizi’s parents starved to death before he entered the palace. Lord K’s promise to his tiny and humble wish is just a lie. He often struggles between his conscience and the intimidation of Lord K, obeying his order to do bad things.


There are a few unforgettable supporting characters too. For example, Mr. K’s adopted daughter, Xiao Mifeng unconditionally trusts Mr. K, the villain in this cartoon, because Mr. K has once saved her life. Xiao Mifeng is not a bad person in her nature. However her stance has its limitations. She has to do many bad things against her own will.

Xiao Fugui’s grandpa is a reflection on people of his generation. They share many common traits, for example, bigotry and rooted feudal thought. Viewers can gather this in some details of the cartoon. Xiao Fugui’s grandpa regards that the ancestral recipes are completely correct and therefore can’t be altered. He also has utter faith in the royal family as one would god. It can be clearly seen through his action that he died peacefully, knowing Xiao Fugui has become the royal chef and hence bringing glory upon his own family, in spite of the injustice he personally faced.



Their story is a microcosm of the suffering people at that time. The cartoon implies the satirical theme and reveals the dark reality of the late Qing Dynasty.


The whole cartoon is about delicious food. What they cooked for Cixi in the chef selection competition is all precious, luxurious and fantastic delicacies, just seems like it is a peaceful and prosperous time. However, the sentence at the end reveals all the realities and miserable lives—they starved to death. “They” here refers not only to the parents of Xiao Lizi, but also to all the poor people who were short of food and clothing at the end of the Qing Dynasty.


The positive characters can’t get a happy ending, and the negative characters also have bad results. Almost everyone ends with tragedy. In the history of that time, it was only the epitome of thousands of suffering people, and it also often appears in realistic films and novels. But animators put these miserable realities into a cartoon for children, which is very rare and valuable.



As opposed to a happy-ever-after-fairy-tail-style ending, it has a tragic ending. That’s probably the primary reason why parents deem it unfit for their children. Parents’ motive for reporting Magic Boy Kitchener is understandable. Their core drive lies in one of the most basic yet one of the most profound parental instinct, which is to protect their children.


But what are the parents trying to protect their children from? Well, in this case, reality. Magic Boy Kitchener is an animation that is based on and adapted from real historical events. And in my opinion, it is the correspondence with reality that gives this animation its depth. It’s always hard to draw the fine line between protection and overprotection. It’s especially true when it comes to caring parents making decisions regarding their children’s innocence. Parents in foreign countries are also riddled with similar struggles. For example, whether they should tell their children that Santa doesn’t exist at all.


As for the drastic raise in the rating, maybe since the time has changed, parents become more open-minded towards educational entertaining, or maybe it’s because Magic Boy Kitchener ‘s fans have grown up and started to review this cartoon. This time, they are able to capture its deeper layer of meaning, thus trying to restore its reputation.



001  佛爷西逃

002  老厨被抓

003  救爷爷

004  御膳厨房的规矩

005  肉在何方

006  太后有恙

007  刀下留人

008  信鸽入肴

009  好心犯忌

010  小厨救驾

011  第一锅鱼

012  石锅鱼

013  还锅记

014  竹筒饭

015  请小福贵放心

016  老佛爷来厨房

017  不打不相识

018  铁树开花

019  小福贵中毒

022  潜入地牢

021  洋葱菜汤

022  夺取蜂蜜

023  长胡子的原因

024  寻找虫草

025  小李公公试药

026  越狱失败

027  得到何首乌

028  狱中莫要

029  首乌糯米粥

030  智取千年何首乌

031  获取冰刀

032  阿弥陀佛

033  收回腰牌

034  练习刀工

035  刀工初成

036  赛前的麻烦

037  庖丁解牛

038  顺利晋级

039  菜谱被偷

040  追寻菜谱

041  假菜谱坏事

042  寻回真菜谱

043  小福贵识字

044  进入决赛

045  菜谱被毁

046  八仙过海汤

047  获得冠军

048  小福贵脱罪

049  酒楼中的比试

050  赛前的插曲

051  研究新菜品

052  制作豆腐宴

053  苦心学习

054  小福贵民间打擂

055  温室种菜

056  催种发芽

057  小厨种菜

058  老菜头做菜

059  菜园做菜

060  菜园耕地

061  小福贵被革职

062  冰湖捕鱼

063  整改御膳房

064  骄傲自满

065  拒绝收礼

066  小福贵进御膳房

067  妈妈味道的沙琪玛

068  山洞遇险

069  对牛弹琴

070  获得牛初乳

071  用计脱身

072  制作沙琪玛

073  再次失败

074  糖果宫殿被毁

075  备寿遇挫

076  准备寿礼

077  筛选选手

078  蛋糕祝寿

079  出发回京

080  小福贵献汤

081  冰释前嫌

082  小李公公招供

083  智取猕猴桃

084  挑拨离间

085  小福贵认错

086  冰冻猪蹄

087  盗取火鸡

088  做菜受阻

089  寻找旅行树

090  制作酱料

091  大金牙阴谋败露

092  小李公公的转变

093  白松露菌被毁

094  得到白松露菌

095  一波三折

096  再生波折

097  克服恐惧

098  重拾信心

099  失败的阴影

100  小福贵惨败

101  真情在民间

102  小福贵获胜

103  大闹天宫

104  三人深陷危机

105  可乐鹿筋

106  真假老菜头

107  看不见的冰

108  冷面大厨

109  魔法佛跳墙

110  纯四郎的帮助

111  一波三折

112  智斗巨型土蟹

113  小飞蝶装病

114  特别的厨艺比赛

115  册封小格格

116  六月飞雪

117  小蜜蜂之死

118  救出小李公公

119  抓捕小蜜蜂

120  大众评审险胜

121  小福贵厨艺胜出

122  小蜜蜂身份暴露

123  K大人的新阴谋

124  进入PK赛

125  K大人火场阴谋

126  两女的明争暗斗

127  水晶豚鼠

128  面艺比拼

129  公平比赛

130  四季如春

131  四色四味

132  小飞蝶的身世

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17YUQ7mhjHFjjyCTu-SRkbQ


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